Supplementary Information

DBRF-MEGN method: an algorithm for deducing minimum equivalent gene networks
from large-scale gene expression profiles of gene deletion mutants

Koji Kyoda, Kotaro Baba, Shuichi Onami, and Hiroaki Kitano.
Bioinformatics. 2004 Nov 1; 20(16): 2662-2675.
[PubMed] [Open Access]

Supplementary Information Description (MS Word, 28,160 byte)

Detailed Algorithm of the DBRF-MEGN Method (MS Word, 28,672 byte)

Deletant List Used in this Study (MS Excel, 29,696 byte)

The List of Initially Deduced Edges from the Rosetta Profiles (P-value Threshold = 0.01) (MS Excel, 73,216 byte)

The List of Edges in the MEGN Deduced from the Rosetta Profiles (P-value Threshold = 0.01) (MS Excel, 62,464 byte)

The List of Edges in the MEGN Deduced from the Rosetta Profiles (P-value Threshold = 0.02) (MS Excel, 75,776 byte)

The List of Edges in the MEGN Deduced from the Rosetta Profiles (P-value Threshold = 0.03) (MS Excel, 88,064 byte)

The List of Edges in the MEGN Deduced from the Rosetta Profiles (P-value Threshold = 0.04) (MS Excel, 87,040 byte)

The List of Edges in the MEGN Deduced from the Rosetta Profiles (P-value Threshold = 0.05) (MS Excel, 101,376 byte)

Supplementary Figure S1 (BMP, 3,640,374 byte)

The List of Transcriptional Regulators Used to Predict Transcriptional Targets and
Modulators of Transcriptional Activity
(MS Excel, 13,824 byte)

Software implementation of this algorithm (binary program) is available on request.

Shuichi Onami
Laboratory for Developmental Dynamics
RIKEN Quantitative Biology Center
2-2-3 Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-0047, Japan